Ansley Simpson - She Fell from the Sky (LP)
Label : Gizhiiwe

Credits : Production, Engineering, Mixing,Drums, Guitasr, Synths, Oramentations.

Info :
Album Intro by Niko Stratis :

Great tapestries are woven together slowly, intricately. Taking their time coming to fruition, a skilled hand knowing just how and where to take the threads to arrive at a grand vision. Ansley Simpson is just such a skilled hand, holding onto threads so fine and strong, deftly weaving their unparalleled musicianship through their razor-sharp skills as a keen storyteller.

On She Fell From The Sky, the Toronto-based Anishinaabe singer-songwriter tells the story of Gizhiigokwe – Sky Woman – who fell from the sky to birth this world and remained here among us over the endless years of our age. Watching and feeling every inch of suffering her people have endured. The tracks on the album chart her journey, by “Without Warning” we find her singing songs to barflies in a Parkdale bar. Rock Painter happens upon her there, as he finds himself reeling from the burden of the full weight of the world on his shoulders. In recognizing Sky woman he sees in her the promise of an idea: if she were to fall again, would she be able to once again save us? Can she fix everything? Rock Painter, like everyone who hatches a life saving plan from a barstool, is unprepared for how things can so easily fall instead to ruin.

The 11 tracks of She Fell From The Sky take us on this journey, as only Simpson can guide us. Through them, the emotional core of every second reverberates through the body, the unwavering strength of Simpson’s voice giving breath to Sky Woman’s story. Simpson sings like no other, their voice like the wind in the trees rising from your feet and her guitar follows like an extension of her body.

Present on the record as well are a cadre of talents from many corners, Heather Kirby (bass, banjo), Sam Gleason (guitar), Josh VanTassel (drums, percussion), Mika Posen (violin, viola), James Bunton (synths, CP70, ornamentations, percussion), Cris Derkson (cello) and Mkomiikaa Smith Simpson (jingle dress) are all present as well, adding and building to the depth of creation Simpson has crafted here along with their producer James Bunton.

Recorded at Union Sound over the course of a week, She Fell From The Sky is the culmination of years spent singing songs and sharing stories and a shining light on Simpson's endless strength as a singer and songwriter. There are none other like them, so few are so deft at hand as a weaver of tales and songs together into such a grand vision.

She Fell From The Sky will be available on June 21, 2022 through Gizhiiwe records and available in digital and CD.