Facts Of Influence - Bliss
33:00 min
Music by James Bunton

For : Forcier Stage Works

Credits : Composed, performed, engineered, mixed.

Toronto, ON - Winchester Theatre (April 2010)

Choreography :
Sharon Moore

Awards :
Dora Award Nomination for Outstanding New Choreographic Work, Dance Division - 2010

Info :

“As an audience member I was left in appreciation of the performers for rising to the many challenges placed on them by the choreographers. Furthermore I was impressed with the choreographers for rising to the challenge of the performers: capable of communicating anything and everything.” Amelia Erhrardt, Merge’zine, 2010

“A significant event in Canadian Dance” Eric Morse, The VOICE, May 2010

“Both works were ripe and plenty with movement invention and imagery, as well as both being born of ideas strong enough to stand alone.” Amelia Erhrardt, Merge’zine, 2010 

“All [dancers] display great technical skills and fluidity in the interpretation of two thematically hard-to-access pieces” Eric Mose, The VOICE, May 2010


“Bliss was a highly theatrical work, featuring a large amount of text delivery by the dancers, most prominently from three-year-long company member Molly Johnson, whose command of theatricality and projection left the impression that she had studied theatre in addition to dance.” Amelia Ehrhardt, Merge’zine, 2010

“Physical and visual imagery was extremely strong, with moments of spectacular lifts and complicated choreographic sequences left seared in my mind. Moore has a wonderful ability to space dancers in relationship to one another. In particular several sequences involving layering cathedral window frames against one another created a beautiful sense of scale and three-dimensionality in the work. I was in awe of the athletic capacity of the dancers, and by Moore’s propensity for movement invention. Never failing to challenge the dancers, the high physicality helped the development of the characters within the work, bringing the performers closer to the personalities as they became more entrenched in the 40-minute long work.” Amelia Ehrhardt, Merge’zine, 2010
