15:00 min
Music by James Bunton

For : Forcier Stage Works

Credits : Composed, performed, engineered, mixed.

Toronto, ON - Dance Matters / Pia Bouman Theatre,  In The Frying Pan / Scotia Bank Studio (April 2012)

Choreography :
Marie France Forcier (Forcier Stage Works)

Info :

Forcier Stage Works is a contemporary dance company based in Toronto (Canada), known to develop choreographic works that combine substantial subject matter of sociological nature with evocative, raw and purposeful movement. Project based since 2005, FSW consistently works with the same core group of individuals, including artistic director Marie France Forcier, composer James Bunton and performers Heather Berry-MacPhail, Molly Johnson and Brendan Wyatt. This format provides the flexibility for company members to maintain successful independent careers while simultaneously providing the familiarity of a full-time company. Guest collaborators are commissioned to create with the group on a regular basis, allowing FSW to boldly investigate fresh perspectives from the strong foundation it has built over the years. Forcier Stage Works' and Marie France Forcier's activities are made possible by various governmental arts councils, but also in great part by the generous support of art lovers.