The Berlin Sessions
10:00 min
Music by James Bunton

For : mJb

Credits : Composed, performed, engineered, mixed.

Online (January 2013)

Choreography :
Molly Johnson

Info :

The Berlin Sessions are a collection of short videos created in Berlin during February and March of 2012. Based on the movement of Molly Johnson and the sound design of James Bunton, they represent the initial explorations of these collaborators.

Created and captured in an apartment in Neukölln, "Air" is based around three short, repeating sequences of improvised movement playing back simultaneously. As the sequences vary in length, they repeat at different points, creating an almost infinite loop of combinations between the three.

During the weeks spent in an apartment in Neukölln, one of the constants found was the daily ringing of the neighbourhood church bells. Surprisingly loud, they would drown out all but the loudest sounds of the neighbourhood as they belted out their beautiful songs. We decided it would be wonderful to capture this sonic flooding and use it as a soundtrack for improvised movement. The result is "Bells".

"Radio" is based on improvised movement initiated from images collected in Berlin. A paper airplane, a boy listening to the radio.